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For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
EDU5019 Medieval Philosophy of Education 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The course explores Augustine's and Aquinas's idea with regard to the relation between education and religion.
EDU5022 Studies in Contemporary Philosophy of Education 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
The course look at the recent trends of philosophy of education, and explores main issues and implications in contemporary philosophy of education.
EDU5023 Studies in Educational Theory 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
The course examines the nature and main issues of educational theories in history of education.
EDU5024 The Educational Idea of a University 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
The course explores main ideas of a university in the past, and discusses the nature, ideal and tasks of a university in a Korean context.
EDU5027 Studies on History of Korean Educational Ideas 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
In this course, you will look out on the educational thoughts emerged from ancient times to the late Chosun. Especially, this course studies the union of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and analyzes Korean educational traits of them, by considering the ideas of Choi Chi-Won, Wonhyo, Toegye, and Yulgok etc.
EDU5030 Elementary Educational Statistics 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
The statistical analysis is studied and practiced as a quantitative method for measurement and evaluation of behavior change.
EDU5031 Advanced Educational Statistics 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The objective of this course is to study the advanced quantitative analysis methods for writing thesis and educational research.
EDU5032 Experimental Design and Analysis 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The objectives of this course are, various kinds experiment to design types are invented and validity degree and reliabilty of these design to be verified and experiment result that consist by the design to be construed as statistical.
EDU5034 Educational Measurement 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The purpose of this course is to provide basic concepts and theories of the educational measurement. The principal intended audience is the lower-level graduate students in the field of 'Educational measurement and evaluation'.
EDU5036 Differential Item Functioning Analysis 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The purpose of this course is to obtain the basic concepts of the differential item function and the various methods to analyze the differential items.
EDU5037 Generalizability Theory 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of the generalizability theory, and the experimental design for g-studies and d-studies. Background knowledges in classical test theory and experimental design are required.
EDU5038 Test Equating 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The purpose of this course is to study the methods to equate test scores. Topics included in this course are linear equating, equipercentile equating, two-stage equating, and synthetic equating.
EDU5042 Seminar on Educarional Administration 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
General orientation to the current practice and problem of education administration at local school level.
EDU5043 Education for the Gifted Children 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The purposes of this course are to introduce the developmental characteristics of the gifted children, programs for the gifted, and to review the tests for discriminating the gifted children in different domains.
EDU5044 Intelligence and Creativity 3 8 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The purpose of this course is to the various theories of the intelligence and creativity.