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English Education (Special Graduate)

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
KOED019 Studies on history of Korean Classical Literature 2 4 Major Master 1-4 - No
The study attempts to explain the historical meaning of Korean literature through the examination of classic Korean text.
KOED020 Studies on history of Korean Modern Literature 2 4 Major Master 1-4 - No
Select important works in Korean literature. Student will present their analysis of their chosen work.
KOED021 Studies in Teaching Korean Literature 2 4 Major Master - No
Understanding Theories on Teaching Korean Literature by reading Classic and Modern Poetry, Novel and Essays and by studying of the history of Korean literature from ancient times to the present.
KOED022 Educational Studies of Reading & Writing 2 4 Major Master Korean Yes
Reading & Writing is the most important factor of the language use. This subject deal with general reading & writing theory and explore the principles of teaching and competences of reading & writing activity.