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Mathematics Education

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
MAE3008 Toplogy Ⅱ 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
Maps into spheres, Topology of E(n), Homotopy type, Path-spaces, Fiber spaces, Polytopes, Direct and inverse limits.
MAE3009 Abstract Algebra Ⅱ 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
Ring, field, integral domain, euclidean domain, unique factorization domain, vector space. Ring, field, integral domain, euclidean domain, unique factorization domain, vector space.
MAE3010 Probability and Statistics Ⅱ 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
Point estimation, uniformly most powerful tests, Likelihood ratio tests will be studied. The analysis of variance, Nonparametric methods, and Sufficient statistics are also discussed.
MAE3012 Topics in Algebra 3 6 Major Bachelor 4 Korean Yes
In this lecture, we will study algebra which is the core field of modern mathematics. Modern algebra has developed to the studies for the structure of mathematical objects by using the abstracted concepts (group, ring, field) to establish the theories. Through concrete examples, I aim to raise understanding of students for basic concepts and enhance their ability to solve problems in a practical way. I will reflect on the needs of the students and will provide practical lessons for their learning objectives.
MAE3013 Real Analysis 3 6 Major Bachelor 4 Korean Yes
In this course, we study the Lebesque measure and theory of integration. -Measure Theory and Integration : albebra, sigma-algebra, measure, integration, convergece, L^p-space
MAE3018 Topics in Geometry 3 6 Major Bachelor 4 - No
Geometric surfaces, Gaussian curvature, covariant derivatives, geodesics, properties of geodesics, curvature and conjugate points, mappings that preserve inner products, the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, manifolds, vector field and Lie brackets, linear connections on manifolds, Riemannian manifolds.
MAE3021 Topics in Analysis 3 6 Major Bachelor 4 Korean Yes
Classical Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces are studied. This course will emphasize the standard topics in L(p) theory.
MAE3027 Designing Mathematics Lesson Plan 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
This course aims to let pre-service teachers to learn the meaning of ‘designing lesson plan’ and to provide them with an opportunity to design and perform mathematics lesson for each specific mathematics content. Pre-service teachers will apply what they learn from previous courses about teaching-learning theories, application of educational technologies, education curriculum to an actual lesson plan. During this process, informative feedback will be given to pre-service teachers through evaluations by instructor, peers, and themselves.
MAE3029 Mathmatics in Artificial Intelligence 3 6 Major Bachelor Korean Yes
In this course, we first deal with the mathematical contents that are helpful in studying machine learning, and based on this, we introduce the four elements of machine learning. Mathematics contents covered are linear algebra, analytic geometry, matrix decomposition, vector calculus, and probability and distribution. In addition, theoretical optimization contents and optimization methodology dealing with techniques such as gradient descent are also studied. Based on these mathematical contents, regression, dimensionality reduction, density estimation, and classification are introduced, and further, neural networks and deep learning are briefly covered.
MAE3030 Theory on Teaching Materials and Instructional Strategies 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
The “Teaching Materials and Instructional Strategies”is a pre-requisite course for this course. In the previous course, we looked at how matheamtics curriculum are implemented in the textbook focusing on the curriculum achievement standards, teaching and learning precautions, and evaluation precautions. In this course, we will deal with more theoretical content. Students preparing for the teacher appointment exam must study the theoretical content covered in this lecture. In addition, we review some theories covered in 'Mathematics Education Theory' as well.
MTH3016 Real Variables 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Mathematics Korean Yes
Lebesgue Measure, The Lebesgue Integral, Differentiation and Integration, Measure and Integration, Measure and outer Measure.
MTH4029 Actuarial Mathematics 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 1-4 Mathematics - No
This is a mathematical introduction to actuarial science. Topics include survival distributions and life tables, whole life insurance, term life insurance, endowment, life annuities. In addition, this course provides how to calculate net premiums and net premium reserves.