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Mathematics Education (Special Graduate)

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
COV7001 Academic Writing and Research Ethics 1 1 2 Major Master/Doctor SKKU Institute for Convergence Korean Yes
1) Learn the basic structure of academic paper writing, and obtain the ability to compose academic paper writing. 2) Learn the skills to express scientific data in English and to be able to sumit research paper in the international journals. 3) Learn research ethics in conducting science and writing academic papers.
EDAD002 Educational Policy and Planning 2 4 Major Master 1-5 Educational Administration Korean Yes
Designed to extend knowledge of educational policy, planing, decision-making and rationality. The models of educational planing are further clarified by examining origins, methods, process and organizations.
ERP4001 Creative Group Study 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
This course cultivates and supports research partnerships between our undergraduates and faculty. It offers the chance to work on cutting edge research—whether you join established research projects or pursue your own ideas. Undergraduates participate in each phase of standard research activity: developing research plans, writing proposals, conducting research, analyzing data and presenting research results in oral and written form. Projects can last for an entire semester, and many continue for a year or more. SKKU students use their CGS(Creative Group Study) experiences to become familiar with the faculty, learn about potential majors, and investigate areas of interest. They gain practical skills and knowledge they eventually apply to careers after graduation or as graduate students.
MAED001 Real Analysis 2 4 Major Master 1-5 Korean Yes
In this course, we study the fundamental properties of real functions of one variable and several variables, with particular emphasis on their relationships with secondary school mathematics.
MAED002 Abstract Algebra 2 4 Major Master 1-5 Korean Yes
In this course, we give a self-contained introduction to the basic structures of abstract algebra : groups, rings and fields
MAED003 Differential Geometry 2 4 Major Master 1-5 Korean Yes
In this course, we study the basic properties of theory of curves and theory of surfaces. Also we study the geometry on surfaces.
MAED004 Set Theory and Topology 2 4 Major Master 1-5 Korean Yes
In this course, we study the set theoretical foundation for topology, fundamental concepts of topological spaces, and especially the topological structure of Euclidean spaces.
MAED007 Theory of Linear Spaces 2 4 Major Master 1-5 Korean Yes
In this course, we study the theory of linear spaces and linear transformations. In particular, we introduce the eigenvalues of a matrix and its diagonalization under the matrix representation of linear transformations.
MAED009 Complex Analysis 2 4 Major Master 1-5 - No
In this course, we study the fundamental properties of functions of complex variable, with particular emphasis on their relationships with secondary school mathematics.
MAED010 Topics in Topology 2 4 Major Master 1-5 - No
This course will cover some fundamental aspects of product spaces, quotient spaces, separation axioms, connectedness, compactness and further concepts which are necessary for the basis of studying analysis and geometry.
MAED013 Topics in Algebra 2 4 Major Master 1-5 - No
In this course, we treat the Galois theory and its applications.
MAED014 Topics in Geometry 2 4 Major Master 1-5 - No
In this course, we introduce the basic theories of the Riemannian geometry such as geometric surfaces, Gaussian curvature, geodesic curves, Gauss-Bonnet theorem and its applications, and study the global structures of surfaces.
MAED015 Topics in Mathematics Education 2 4 Major Master 1-5 Korean Yes
Through this course, students analyze research materials of mathematics education and figure out its developments trends
MAED016 Topics in Modern Mathematics 2 4 Major Master 1-5 - No
We study some topics in modern mathematics which make some important mathematical ideas interesting and understandable to high school students.
MAED017 Mathematical Statistics 2 4 Major Master 1-5 Korean Yes
In this course, we study the basic probability theory, various methods of estimation and test, analysis of variance.