2022-2 Midterm Course Evaluation
- 2022-10-19
[2022-2 Midterm Course Evaluation]
❑ Period for Midterm Course Evaluation: 2022. 10. 17.(Mon) 10:00 ~ 10. 28.(Fri) 23:00
❑ Subjects: All Courses in Undergraduate and Graduate schools
※ Except for Independent research, Field practice and Military science courses
❑ How to participate
A. Web: GLS ➡ Select Study Areas ➡ Click on Course Evaluation
B. Mobile/Tablet PC: KINGO M ➡ GLS ➡ Study Areas ➡ Course Evaluation
❑ Notes
A. You can't revise your answers after submitting them. Please proceed with the evaluation carefully.
B. All of the course evaluations are anonymously conducted.
For further information, please contact to Office of Academic Services (1811-8585).