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Academic Programs

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Location 50519, Hoam Hall
Address 25-2, Sungkyunkwan-Ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
Telephone 82-2-760-0535
Food Science and Biotechnology

"Review the old and learn the new"


The Education major was first introduced into the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in February 1953 to develop education scholars and experts in the teaching profession, and was later incorporated into the College of Education in December 1972.


The program offers over 40 major courses including; Philosophy in Education, Educational History, Psychology in Education, Sociology in Education, Educational Curriculum, Assessment and Evaluation in Education, and Educational Administration.


The Department of Education has devoted itself to producing teachers and education-related experts and continues to encourage appropriate and extensive teacher-training courses. The Education Department offers a diversity of courses including up-to-date educational theory, class methods such as discussion, presentations, seminars, and field trips to provide students with the competency required in both school and society.


The education major is hailed by the Korean media and international scholars as a promising and bright source of talent. We believe those who explore the art of pedagogy with an education major will experience a diverse career and have brilliant future ahead of them.



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